Thursday, September 2, 2010


Mood: screwed up.

I know, it's been too long since I posted something :/ I've been so busy. School started. I sorta like it actually. It's weird. I'm glad I'm a senior. I'm ready to make some changes in my life. My new school is definitely different than I'm used to. My schedule isn't too bad but I've been extremely exhausted everyday after school. I'm gonna keep this short tonight because I really need to get some sleep. Anyways, the point of my post tonight is just for me to get some feelings out there. I just told someone something that I probably shouldn't have and I feel really stupid. It's not going to effect anyone else, just me. Have you ever done that before? Told someone something and then realized it was too soon or the wrong time and then felt like you really screwed up? Well that's what I just did. It wasn't anything really bad or too serious. It was just the wrong time to say it. At first, I was just joking around and then the person I was talking to said something serious about it and it caused me to blurt something out that I shouldn't have. It may have been the right time for me to say it for me, but in their life, it probably wasn't the best time. I don't know. I'm just rambling on about it now and I can't think straight. Hopefully I didn't screw up too bad and this will all work out the way it's supposed to. We will see.

Lyrics of the day: "You can't be too careful anymore when all that is waiting for you won't come any closer. You've got to reach a little more." Careful by Paramore

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