Thursday, July 15, 2010


Mood:thoughtful :/

Well I've been doing a lot of thinking. That's probably not a good thing. I always get sad when I think too much. I guess it was only a matter of time. I was getting too happy. I don't know if I was even really happy. Was it just the thought of being happy? I'm not happy. I haven't been happy for months. Being around family that I haven't seen in years definitely cheered me up while I was in Washington but now that I'm back in Texas, everything is the same. Nothing has changed. I'm just as miserable as I wad before. I thought maybe I was getting over the hurt and starting to feel better but I guess not. When I'm left alone with my thoughts, everything just sorta comes back to me. It's like I just started to ignore my feelings for a little while and that didn't work well for me. Now I'm confused again. I don't know what I want or where I should go from here. I think the only reason I'm babbling on like this is because I doubt anyone actually reads my blog. I guess this is more like my diary. It's just a diary that I don't mind someone seeing. Ya know why I named it "Krystal's Sticky Notes"? It's because that's how my thoughts are. Sticky notes. Bright and colorful most of the time but there's so many of them that they cover each other up and it gets confusing. I guess that's just how I am.

Quote of the day: "Oh I knew I was only sixteen but I thought I loved [him] and it'd last forever. Oh only if I knew that [he] wasn't true. How could [he] do this to me?"

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